Scripture Union
Scripture Union is an international mission movement that was founded over 140 years ago. SU works in over 120 countries making God's good news known to children, young people and families and encouraging people of all ages to meet God daily through the Bible and prayer.
Our goal: That all may come to a personal faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, grow in Christian maturity and become both committed church members and servants of a world in need.
SU Events in 2019 / 2020
FAT SAT - Saturday 12th October 2019 - The Surf Project, Portrush
SU Weekend - 7th-9th February 2020 - Castlewellan Castle
Games Night - Wednesday 19th March 2020
SU BBQ - Wednesday 24th June 2020 - Carnfunnock Park
Scripture Union Band
This year has saw a big improvement made to our very own SU band. Headed up by the Band's Teacher in Charge Mrs Logan, the band meet on a Tuesday after school from 3:30-4:30.
Before they start to build their even growing repertoire, they take time to worship God and to pray thanks for the amazing gifts of talent that God has given them. They perform at the school's annual Harvest Service and Easter Assembly.
Useful Links
Scripture Union - http://www.scriptureunion.org.uk/about/107.id
Scripture Union NI - http://suni.co.uk/
Scripture Union Ireland - http://www.scriptureunion.ie/
Scripture Union Resources - http://www.christianbookshops.org.uk/scripturebelfast.htm
CSSM - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Children's_Special_Service_Mission
Crown Jesus Ministries - http://www.crownjesus.org/
Every wednesday lunchtime from 12.45 to 1.15. Bring your lunch and your friends.
Mr Irwin's Room 9
Pupils and staff of any age who are willing to serve God in our school and in the community.
Mrs McKeeman / Miss Mawhinney
Mrs Reid / Mr MacDonald / Mr Marshall / Mr Currie
Mr Irwin (senior) / Mr Irwin (Junior) / Mrs Best / Miss Stewart / Mr Warke / Mr McKittrick