Life & Work

Employability - Mrs S Buchanan MSc BA PGCE
Personal Development - Miss S Elliott BA PGCE
Citizenship - Mrs V Ross BA PGCE
What Is LLW
Learning for Life and Work (LLW) is central in helping young people develop the fundamental skills, knowledge, qualities and dispositions that are pre-requisites for life and work. This area of learning contains the contributory strands of:
- Employability
- Home Economics
- Local and Global Citizenship
- Personal Development.
Our Mission is to:
"Provide Careers Education Information and Guidance (CEIAG) to enable and motivate pupils to make informed, appropriate and realistic decisions about their education, training and employment options, and provide them with the opportunities and experiences to develop their employability skills"
Read more at www.nicurriculum.org.uk
Aim of Education for Employability
The aim of Education for Employability is to ensure that all young people develop the personal qualities, skills, knowledge, understanding and attitudes which will give them a strong foundation for lifelong learning and work in a rapidly changing economic environment.
Education for Employability incorporates four key dimensions:
- Work in the local and global economy
- Career Management
- Enterprise and Entrepreneurship
- Skills and Qualities for Work
Personal Development
Personal Development is part of the Leaning for Life and Work strand. It supports the promotion of genuine relationships within the school community and enables young people to:
- Work towards achieving their individual potential;
- Become confident, interdependent and participative citizens;
- Make informed and responsible choices and decisions throughout their lives
Personal Development explores key concepts of Self Awareness, Personal Health, Relationships, Parenting and Independent Living. The delivery of Personal Development is further enhanced by a variety of visiting speakers from outside agencies eg Community Police, Carrickfergus Drug and Alcohol Association, Pregnancy Resource Centre and Northern Ireland Anti-Bullying Forum.
Citizenship education is about enabling people to make their own decisions and to take responsibility for their own lives and their communities.
Why teach citizenship?
There are aspects of citizenship education in many subjects and within extra-curricular activities, such as the school's involvement in charity fund raising, but citizenship education is more than that.
Democracies need active, informed and responsible citizens; citizenship education promotes individuals taking responsibility for themselves and their communities and contributing to the political process.
Citizenship Education Aims to:
- Raise awareness of pupils' rights and responsibilities;
- Inform about the social and political world;
- Encourage concern about the welfare of others;
- Help pupils to articulate their opinions;
- Show how individuals are capable of having an influence on the world;
- Promote being active in the community;
- Encourage responsibility in how pupils act as citizens.
There is no elevator to success. You have to take the stairs.
- Unknown Author
Career Options
Learning for Life and Work focuses solely on preparing our pupils for the world of work.
Studying LLW will develop pupil's awareness of what is required if they are to be successful after their education.