Environment Tech

Why Study
With investment in low-carbon technologies and the green economy on the rise, employers will need a workforce with the right skills and knowledge to take advantage of this growth.
This GCE is fresh, contemporary and relevant to both students and employers. It is a science-based qualification, designed to enhance students' understanding of environmental and sustainability issues. It promotes the application of this knowledge in practical industry-based scenarios and assessment tasks.
This science-based specification focuses on technological solutions to the energy and environmental problems facing the world today. It highlights the need to manage our planet's resources more effectively and explores how our society will make the transition to a more sustainable way of living.
develop your interest in science and technology along with an enthusiasm for environmental action;
appreciate how science and technology can contribute towards a sustainable economy and society;
develop your awareness of the complex interdependency between human populations and the environment on a local and global scale;
understand the concept of sustainability and the role of environmental technology in society;
apply your skills to relevant work-related scenarios;
develop decision-making skills;
research, develop and present your findings in a variety of formats;
develop advanced study skills in preparation for third level education; and
demonstrate your understanding and application of key concepts through challenging internal and external assessments.
AS 1: The Earth's Capacity to Support Human Activity
In this unit you will:
find out about the impact of declining fossil fuel supplies and options for reducing global dependency on crude oil;
examine the macrogeneration, distribution and storage of electricity from non-fossil fuel sources;
consider renewable energy technologies on a micro level;
discover the effects of fossil fuel use and the need to develop more sustainable sources of energy;
carry out practical activities in relation to aspects of three major renewable energy sources: wind, solar and biomass;
and take account of health and safety practices when carrying out practical work.
AS 2: Internal Assessment – Renewable Energy Technologies
In this unit you will:
apply the knowledge and understanding that you gained in AS 1 to a practical context;
research renewable energy sources and evaluate the technical, environmental and economic aspects of the
energy output from wind, solar and biomass;
and submit a technical report, relating to a realistic scenario task, in three sections:
- desktop research;
- practical investigation; and
- discussion and recommendations.
A2 1: Building and Managing a Sustainable Future
In this unit you will:
examine a range of new and existing technologies and management systems that have the potential to
support society's move toward a more sustainable way of living;
examine waste management processes (including bioremediation) and using low-carbon sources for society's
transport needs;
investigate issues related to the environmental performance of buildings; and
explore the sustainable development needs of urban and rural communities; and take account of health and safety when carrying out all practical work.
AS 1: The Earth's Capacity to Support Human Activity External written examination
1 hour 30 minutes 50% of AS
25% of A Level Every Summer (beginning in 2014)
AS 2: Renewable Energy Technologies Internal Assessment
You will produce a technical report based on a realistic scenario relating to the use of renewable energy technologies.
Externally moderated 50% of AS
25% of A Level Every Summer (beginning in 2014)
A2 1: Building and Managing a Sustainable Future External written examination
2 hours 25% of A Level Every Summer (beginning in 2015)
A2 2: Environmental Building Performance and Measurement Internal Assessment
You will produce a technical report relating to the environmental performance of a local building.
Externally moderated 25% of A Level Every Summer (beginning in 2015)
Mr N Massey MSc BSc PGCE
Miss S Patterson MEng PGCE
Useful Links
https://www.rewardinglearning.org.uk/ microsites/environmental_technology
https://www.assemblyresearchmatters.org/ 2017/11/30/climate-change-legislation-northern-ireland-just-lot-hot-air
We are the first generation to be able to end poverty, and the last generation to take steps to avoid the worst impacts of climate change.
- Ban-Ki Moon
Career Options
Environmental Technology will help you to make informed decisions and choices in everyday life.
You can study Environmental Technology with a variety of other subjects.
This can lead to a range of opportunities in higher education or a rewarding career.