
Mr K Crooks MEd BSc PGCE Adv Cert (Head of Department)
Miss P Maxwell MSc BSc PGCE
Mr P Irwin BSc PGCE
Why Study Chemistry
Chemistry is the study of substances; what they are made of and how they interact with each other and the role they play in living things. From research in space, to the depths of the oceans, chemistry helps you understand the world around you and opens up lots of career opportunities.
A GCE in Chemistry allows you to develop a range of generic skills requested by both employers and universities. For instance, a successful GCE Level Chemist will be an effective problem-solver and be able to communicate efficiently both orally and with the written word. Handling data will be a key part of your work, allowing you to demonstrate information retrieval skills as well as use of numeracy and ICT. You will build up a range of practical skills that require creativity and accuracy as well as developing a firm understanding of health and safety issues.
What We Study
At Key Stage 3 pupils will develop not only knowledge and skills but also learn about the contribution Chemistry has made to society. KS3 Chemistry will lay a solid foundation for those pupils hoping to study the subject at KS4.
Year 8
Acids and Alkalis
Elements and Compounds
Chemical Reactions
Year 9
Word Equations
Chemical Formulae
Balancing equations
Rates of reaction
Making Salts
Separating Techniques and Solubility
Year 10
Atomic structure and bonding
The Periodic Table
Chemical formulae and equations
Tests for ions
At the end of this course pupils will obtain a GCSE in Chemistry. The CCEA specification is followed.
The course consists of three components:
Unit 1: Structures, Trends, Chemical Reactions / Quantitative Chemistry and Analysis.
Unit 2: Further Chemical Reactions, Rates and Equilibrium, Calculations and Organic Chemistry.
Unit 3: Assessing Practical skills and carried out in the final year of the course and marked externally.
Pupils sit an external exam at the end of Year 11 and Year 12.
AS/A2 Level
The CCEA specification is followed.
Unit AS 1 / Basic Concepts in Physical and Inorganic Chemistry / Written paper / 1 hour 30 minutes /40% of AS and 16% of A2
Unit AS 2 / Further Physical and Inorganic Chemistry and Intro to Organic Chemistry / Written paper 1 hour 30 minutes / 40% of AS and 16% of A2
Unit AS 3 / Practical Assessment - Booklets A and B / Both 1 hour 15minutes / 20% of AS and 8% of A2
Unit A2 1 / Further Physical and Organic Chemistry / Written paper / 2 hours / 40% of AS and 24% of A2
Unit A2 2 / Analytical, Transition Metals, Electrochemistry and Organic Nitrogen chemistry / Written paper / 2 hours / 40% of AS and 24% of A2
Unit A2 3 / Further Practical Chemisty - Booklets A and B / Both 1 hour 15minutes / 20% of AS and 12% of A2
Chemistry is thus at once a science and an art.
- Oxford English Dictionary
Career Options
Chemistry, Environmental Law, Patent Law, Pharmaceuticals, Software design, Space Exploration, Forensic Science, Military Systems, Dentistry, Engineering, Teaching etc.
Visit the Royal Society of Chemistry for some helpful advice.