
Mr S Martin BEd (Head of Department)
Miss S Mawhinney BSc, PGCE
Accounting AS/A2
Examining Board: AQA
Length of Course: 2 Years
'Money makes the world go round'…. Even the best business ideas get nowhere without sound financial management. So whether you want to work for big business, be the next Richard Branson or have your own small business, a knowledge of financial management is vital.
Worth noting: 60% of FTSE 100 companies have a Chartered Accountant as chairman, Chief Executive Officer or Chief Finance Officer!!
This Accounting course equips you with the necessary knowledge and skills to be able to assess the performance of all types of business organisations. It will enable you to effectively analyse and evaluate financial data so that you can make judgements, decisions and recommendations about how businesses can manage their financial affairs.
NOTE… the Accounting course is now LINEAR - only the 2 exams at the end of Year 14 contribute towards the A-level score.
Year 13
1. An introduction to the role of the accountant.
2. Types of business organisation
3. Double entry bookkeeping
4. Verification of accounting records
5. Accounting concepts
6. Financial statements of sole traders
7. Limited company accounts
8. Ratio analysis
9. Budgeting
10. Marginal costing
Whilst the Accounting course is now LINEAR pupils will still sit the AS exam at the end of Year 13. This will enable some pupils to study Accounting as an extra AS and will also ensure that those progressing to A2 study are capable of doing so.
1 Written paper: 3 hours / 100% of AS level / 0% of A-level.
Year 14
11. Standard costing and variance analysis
12. Absorption and activity based costing
13. Capital investment appraisal
14. Incomplete records
15. Partnership accounts
16. Accounting for limited companies
17. Interpretation, analysis and communication of accounting information
18. The impact of ethical considerations
2 written examinations - each paper is 3 hours and worth 50% of the A-level.
There is no coursework in this subject.
There are only 3 types of accountants... those who can count and those who can't.
- Unknown Author
Career Options
There are a number of careers that use the skills taught in Accounting classes that are not strictly limited to crunching numbers or auditing financial documents.
- Financial Analyst
A financial analyst works for a company and is responsible for increasing profits and minimizing the potential for losses.
- Investment Bankers
Investment bankers help clients manage their money. Their clients can be extremely wealthy individuals or companies seeking advice on managing their cash flow or raising money for expansion.
- Corporate Controllers
Corporate controllers collect information about a company's finances and put the information together in a report showing how the company is doing.
- Financial Planners
Financial planners work with individuals to determine how to protect and increase the wealth that they have. Financial planners can help people plan for future expenses like college tuition for kids and retirement planning options.